Welcome to my blog. Here you will find my absract & mixed-media acrylic paintings and if you have some questions about it, feel free to write me with the link in my picture. To enlarge the painting just click on it. Have a wonderfull travel in my imagination...
Bonjour et bienvenue sur mon site. Vous trouverez ici mes œuvres acryliques abstraites & média-mixe au fur et à mesure de leurs création, ou presque... Si vous avez des questions, vous pouvez me contacter par le lien de ma photo. Pour agrandir les œuvres cliquez simplement dessus. Bon voyage dans mon imaginaire...


I cannot live here

Acrylic on wood & Asphaltum 18 x 24 inches

I cannot live here

I cannot live here, nor now. This is not my time and place. I am not made to wander cold cities of glass and steel, neither to hear the screaming of the Ogres of Gold. I am made of mist and mystery, enchanted forest and Fairies. I am lost in a world that I don't understand, in a world that doesn't need me. Who will show me the way? The way for the evergreen prairies where Star dust fall at night to enchant the babies. Who will help me find the way to the deep blue seas where Mermaids sing melodies to bless each newborn living? I cannot live here, nor now. This is not my time and place. I long for mine.

24 mars 2012.

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For more info reach me at art.pascalenancy@gmail.com
